Sunday, 27 June 2021

Second season terrace crop (Kharif 2021) grown very good with good yield.

Second season terrace crop (Kharif 2021) grown very good with good yield. 

So far harvested cucumber, eggplant (brinjal), bitter guard, muskmelon (wild), green chillies, tomato.

Okra (bhendi) is in good health. Flowering will start in next month.

My sincere opinion (and my terrace gardning experience) is that growing Tomato, eggplant without any pesticide use is very difficult. Half of the brinjal harvest and 35 % of tomato harvest was found to be infested with fruit borer. Finally one insecticidal spray was given. 

Hoping to harvest good yield of okra.

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Snail (shelled gastropoda) (Slug), Animalia - Gastropoda - Mollusca

Snail (shelled gastropoda) (Slug), Animalia - Gastropoda - Mollusca

Today, I came across with a unique snail on my terrace garden grown eggplant, munching on a leaves. Initially I thought of commonly occurring leaf eating hairy catterpillar, however antennas are like of typical snail. While searching on Google images to find out for similar images, I couldn't find the match. The curiosity helped to catch the image. Later safely released into another environment.  I hope someone may identify spp.